No, this is soup for my family…

If only I could go back in time when I was first writing a blog and change its title to Soup For My Family, if only I had known that 2020 would bring that gem into my life. Alas that is not something I was prescient enough to see, so I will stick with what I have.

Speaking of what I have, welcome back fearless readers (here I make the assumption that readers will return) and sorry I let this here blog get so dusty. About threeish years ago I felt like I was getting to be a bit of a broken record so I thought I would step away for a bit, time flew by, and the dust accumulated. I look at the record I thought was broken and I see nothing has really changed in relation to that, but I have felt the itch to write again, so here I am.

Continue reading “No, this is soup for my family…”

Post Vacation Comedown Remix Edition

This is the remix edition, because the comedown came down a while ago. I meant to write about my California trip closer to the actual date I returned, but then life or something like it got in the way.

This year was the second trip originating around the Braves being on the road in San Francisco, and it is what will be an annual thing. You see, my friend, my sister Aimee lives close to Sacramento and is a die hard Giants fan, while her pesky little brother, me, is a total Braves fanatic, so it became a great reason to go see her and her family. She has one of those great Italian families that invites you in, feeds you, offers you whatever they have and once you’re there and family, you get it yourself.

I am a big fan of the family she is a part of, and I really get a kick out of the two kids she has created. It is a real joy to visit, even if the kids wake you up way too damn early. Continue reading “Post Vacation Comedown Remix Edition”

Checking In.

Where have I been?

What have I been doing?

The short answer might be, bettering myself. The long answer could give you details on what exactly I think that is. As any of my blogs go, you’ll get a bit of the short, and a bit of the long.

Continue reading “Checking In.”

Prioritization of a Person

I swear, 3/4 of the effort goes into coming up with a title that I think is witty enough to grab someone’s attention, that or is something I find pleasing in it’s final form. The idea for this blog entry has been kicking around in my head for a good week or so, but when I came here to write it, I labored over the title for a half hour until I thought it was just right. Which means, if you don’t like it, don’t tell me!

Priorities are strange little things, or big things, depending on what it is, and they can direct us or derail us. We spend a lot of time when we are younger hearing about how we have to get our priorities straight, or being asked what our priorities even are for that matter, but how can we even know what our priorities are?
Continue reading “Prioritization of a Person”

Habits Are Crazy

I have gotten into this habit of opening up WordPress in a tab, and having it mix in with my other open tabs, all with the intention of writing something, anything in it. Some of you may have noticed that roughly two months have gone by, and for those of you that haven’t, well I don’t blame you, I barely noticed it flying by either.

I wanted to come home from my vacation and decompress, let everything settle back down around me, but I think I went overboard with that and in turn put more and more pressure upon myself to write something on here. So then it became a cycle of more pressure, and more procrastination, and neither of which ultimately brought me to actually putting down words here.

I had a grand plan of telling you all about my amazing trip west and north, of telling you just how great it was, and I will, but somehow even that got put off. I think I just had to get back into the right head space, and for some reason, that took a little longer than I thought it would. I think I am there now though, so lets find out.  Continue reading “Habits Are Crazy”

Second Go Round

Waking up to a slight hangover after a fun night out is easily dealt with when in a city you love.

The trip so far has reacquainted me with two cities I feel that way about, Seattle was a quick go round for me, but still very cool. I remembered the hills there but I don’t know that my legs did. Wandering towards a destination, and taking in the sights as you go, is a great way to spend time, this is also where Google Maps comes in quite handy.

Continue reading “Second Go Round”

I’m a Traveling Man

They say that a change of scenery can be good for the soul, and I have found that to be true. There is a different energy that comes from exploring somewhere else, somewhere that isn’t home. In May I went to my sister’s in California and when I returned, my batteries were recharged and I felt truly alive.

It is interesting how that happens, even if you jam pack the time with activity, you can feel what comes from a well spent trip. I was sad to leave California, but I had made new memories, and felt the love and welcome that comes from a visit like that. Visiting the right people at the right times is what it is all about. Continue reading “I’m a Traveling Man”