No, this is soup for my family…

If only I could go back in time when I was first writing a blog and change its title to Soup For My Family, if only I had known that 2020 would bring that gem into my life. Alas that is not something I was prescient enough to see, so I will stick with what I have.

Speaking of what I have, welcome back fearless readers (here I make the assumption that readers will return) and sorry I let this here blog get so dusty. About threeish years ago I felt like I was getting to be a bit of a broken record so I thought I would step away for a bit, time flew by, and the dust accumulated. I look at the record I thought was broken and I see nothing has really changed in relation to that, but I have felt the itch to write again, so here I am.

Continue reading “No, this is soup for my family…”

Time Flies and Whatnot…

Been gone from here a while, missed a whole month actually, but these things tend to happen when we get distracted. It is too easy to get distracted these days, much harder to stay on point than it ever was, or maybe I just buy too many forms of technological advancements.

I am not going to apologize for my absence, because I don’t believe you come here for apologies, but then again maybe I don’t know what brings people to my words on this site.

Hopefully I say things that resonate with you, things that pique your interest, or maybe I piss you off and you want to see what nonsense I am spewing now. Whatever brings you here, I welcome it, and I hope to keep it up, because my vanity loves seeing traffic here.

Continue reading “Time Flies and Whatnot…”