No, this is soup for my family…

If only I could go back in time when I was first writing a blog and change its title to Soup For My Family, if only I had known that 2020 would bring that gem into my life. Alas that is not something I was prescient enough to see, so I will stick with what I have.

Speaking of what I have, welcome back fearless readers (here I make the assumption that readers will return) and sorry I let this here blog get so dusty. About threeish years ago I felt like I was getting to be a bit of a broken record so I thought I would step away for a bit, time flew by, and the dust accumulated. I look at the record I thought was broken and I see nothing has really changed in relation to that, but I have felt the itch to write again, so here I am.

Continue reading “No, this is soup for my family…”

Cliche New Years Title

Let me just start by saying that 2014 was really good to me. I am happy that I cannot really think of anything that I would change about how I lived it, other than spending habits, but then I have always told myself those need to be changed.

I don’t have big plans for today, no raucous parties to welcome in 2015, but I think that is exactly what I need right now. My life isn’t in any kind of upheaval, but it does need some focus, and I think today is a good day to begin that action. There is always a little something more we can be doing, right?

I promised myself long ago that I would never stop learning, and it is high time I learn more about myself.  Continue reading “Cliche New Years Title”

The Twitter Respite

As I stated in the previous entry, I have given up Twitter for Lent, and it has been an interesting experience so far, but one I can see positive things coming from. Along with this positive move, comes extra time on my hands, so what am I doing with it? Well, I have gotten back to my journal like I need to, and the other day I was pleasantly surprised by a writing exercise that my friend Rochele asked me to join in on.

The premise was simple, write about the day you died. She added to that, that it would be an early age. We talked of the morbidity of it, but then the creative juices started flowing, and I was brainstorming here and there, asking myself questions of how it would play out. I couldn’t decide what age I would be though, so Rochele decided for me, and I decided for her.

I got a cup of tea, put George Harrison on my iPod, and settled in for the one hour time limit she had set for us. It was interesting to see how that hour progressed for me, at first it was full of starts and stops, blocks and questions, but once everything began, well it really took a mind of it’s own.

So here it is, presented for your reading pleasure. I haven’t gone back to it, and maybe I will, but this right here is just a grammar and spell checked story, something I had a lot of fun with, and will be doing more of. You will probably be seeing more of these as I write them, but I won’t smother you in them.  Continue reading “The Twitter Respite”