No, this is soup for my family…

If only I could go back in time when I was first writing a blog and change its title to Soup For My Family, if only I had known that 2020 would bring that gem into my life. Alas that is not something I was prescient enough to see, so I will stick with what I have.

Speaking of what I have, welcome back fearless readers (here I make the assumption that readers will return) and sorry I let this here blog get so dusty. About threeish years ago I felt like I was getting to be a bit of a broken record so I thought I would step away for a bit, time flew by, and the dust accumulated. I look at the record I thought was broken and I see nothing has really changed in relation to that, but I have felt the itch to write again, so here I am.

Continue reading “No, this is soup for my family…”

Checking In.

Where have I been?

What have I been doing?

The short answer might be, bettering myself. The long answer could give you details on what exactly I think that is. As any of my blogs go, you’ll get a bit of the short, and a bit of the long.

Continue reading “Checking In.”

Prioritization of a Person

I swear, 3/4 of the effort goes into coming up with a title that I think is witty enough to grab someone’s attention, that or is something I find pleasing in it’s final form. The idea for this blog entry has been kicking around in my head for a good week or so, but when I came here to write it, I labored over the title for a half hour until I thought it was just right. Which means, if you don’t like it, don’t tell me!

Priorities are strange little things, or big things, depending on what it is, and they can direct us or derail us. We spend a lot of time when we are younger hearing about how we have to get our priorities straight, or being asked what our priorities even are for that matter, but how can we even know what our priorities are?
Continue reading “Prioritization of a Person”

The Feel of a Day

I work shift work, and through this I have encountered the phenomenon that is the feel of a day. For years I had Tuesday and Wednesday off, then for a brief period it was Sunday and Monday, and then I was bumped to Monday and Tuesday. All those days were close enough that everything felt the same for me, more or less, but now it is much different.

Two weeks ago I got Thursday and Friday off, so now my weekend happens at the opposite end from where it did before, and I am still slowly getting used to that. Not sure how long this will take, but I am happy to find out because I finally have a shift that has part of a weekend off.  Continue reading “The Feel of a Day”